Use "injustice|injustices" in a sentence

1. Some religions even justify injustices against women.

2. Social injustices were let off the hook.

3. These injustices embittered her even more.

4. Injustices require restitution to the owner.

5. Roots of Injustice

6. WILL we ever see an end to injustices and suffering?

7. No civilized country should allow such terrible injustices.

8. They'll continue to fight injustice.

9. Counterstory to resist injustices (Solorzano & Bernal, 2001)

10. Filecard cabbie Schoolman Luane injustices Anteinitial stomatoscopy curwillet

11. Congress has done little to redress these injustices.

12. Is there injustice with God?

13. Injustice ruledand detestation was supreme.

14. The movie deals with injustices suffered by Native Americans.

15. Anger at injustice formed his character.

16. Crime and injustice will end.

17. “Is There Injustice With God?”

18. They're rebelling against injustice and inequality

19. I raged inwardly against his injustice.

20. Racial Injustice Series Confronting Racial Injustice: Boston School Desegregation through the Rearview Mirror 15 April 2021

21. She Capably argues the injustices of the medieval class system

22. 14 King David was also the victim of many injustices.

23. How do we react to injustices and acts of senseless violence?

24. A slave could not seek any legal redress for injustices suffered.

25. And it also matters because injustice frequently ignites bloody conflicts, which, in turn, keep the flames of injustice burning.

26. The law defends people from injustice.

27. He was smarting under an injustice.

28. Your daughter, she's done a great injustice.


30. We must denounce injustice and oppression.

31. Nothing suggested tragedy, injustice, heartache, or death.

32. You cannot erase injustice from the world.

33. But the Witnesses do not strive to eliminate the world’s injustices.

34. Injustices and inequalities abound and multiply —whatever the prevailing ideology may be.

35. It will help you to endure the injustices of this wicked system.

36. So Jesus, you can tell, was aware that injustices abounded.

37. The Community has no competencies regarding matters of restitution or compensation for historical injustices

38. And do these traits not contribute to injustices in the world?

39. Understanding and responding Constructively to social injustice

40. That we will never again endure injustice.

41. 4 Jesus could not tolerate such injustice.

42. The article does them both an injustice.

43. Such monstrous injustice is hard to understand.

44. When an injustice is committed, we are incensed.

45. The writer reflects on human injustice and iniquity.

46. She was acclaimed for speaking out against injustice.

47. People are fighting against repression and injustice.

48. 4 The world’s media daily bombard us with a list of injustices.

49. Many of God’s people have been victims of crime, war, and other injustices.

50. I saw injustice and inequality everywhere I looked.

51. Another man who faced injustice was Naboth.

52. Social justice has to recompense genetic injustice.

53. 22 What about other injustices that now cause so much misery?

54. The injustices they did me rankled me for a long while.

55. Demanding an absurdity only brings scorn and diverts attention from real injustices.

56. Meanwhile, the crisis has piled injustice upon injustice for hundreds of prison inmates who have nothing to do with Tupac Amaru.

57. In saying this you do her an injustice.

58. This great evil is rooted in systematic injustice.

59. Injustice pushes others to redress matters by violent means.

60. His public speeches were permeated with hatred of injustice.

61. He incurred the wrath of the authorities in speaking out against government injustices.

62. 22 6 Why So Much Suffering and Injustice?

63. He raged against the injustice of it all.

64. Wherever there is injustice, we try to help.

65. My rage at injustice waxed hot as the pits.

66. Sometimes it is better to answer injustice with mercy.

67. He felt angry at the injustice of the situation.

68. She was enraged at the injustice of the remark.

69. He had been the victim of a grievous injustice.

70. She popped off about the injustice of the verdict.

71. But it wasn't just anger at economic injustice.

72. She remains adamant that an injustice was done.

73. An unjust delay becomes another rationale for injustice.

74. Incensed by those injustices, we assaulted white youths right there in the movie theater.

75. We are all brothers in the fight against injustice.

76. Nothing would prevent him from speaking out against injustice.

77. It subdues the barbarous nations, while injustice Arouses the weakest.

78. He can't put up with noises, disgusting things, or injustice.

79. I'm a bit upset at my inability to tolerate injustice.

80. Those that have undergone a lot of injustice and suffering.